Research papers
Space DAO is a groundbreaking initiative started as part of
the European Space Agency’s Open Space Innovation Platform.
We have ongoing research collaborations with industry and academic partners.

February 2024
STM Conference 2024
Decentralized And Neutral Consensus Mechanisms in Space Conjunctions Assessment and Mitigation: Space DAO STM
10th Annual Conference on Space Traffic Management, Austin, TX, USA
This paper addresses the need for effective space traffic management in an environment where a small number of dominant space situational awareness (SSA) companies overshadow a long tail of competitors, resulting in underutilization of expert insights and missed opportunities for valuable information confrontation. With the support of the Cosmos For Humanity NGO.

October 2023
BCCA 2023
Automating and Decentralising Satellite-based Emergency Mapping
Fifth International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA), 2023, Kuwait
New technologies in Web3 such as Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) can bridge the communication gap with neutral and automated systems, and distribute currently centralised processes that are inherently decentralised by nature. One of these processes is Satellite-based Emergency Mapping (SEM) for Disaster Response Management (DRM). With automated decision strategies and transparent ledgers, a fairer and more accessible system can be built to handle the increase in stakeholders as well as the increasing number of natural disasters occurring.

March 2023
SpaceOPS 2023
Orbit Decentralized Autonomous Organization Using Blockchain-Based Consensus Mechanisms
17th International Conference on Space Operations, SpaceOps 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
In space traffic management, a collision avoidance maneuver is costly and can introduce secondary risks by changing a resident space object (RSO) trajectory and risking potential new conjunctions and eventually more probable collisions. Space DAO nurtures the diversity of insight sources and acts as a marketplace for space insights offering governance power to users as well as data and services providers

December 2022
European Space Agency Innovation Project
Blockchain ecosystem for an autonomous consensus mechanism of federated satellite networks – Space DAO
During the Cognitive Cloud Computing in Space campaign from ESA, we proposed a study that led to the creation of Space DAO. The project sets the base infrastructure to agree on consensus mechanisms to reduce confusion and augment trust in key decision making information. Space DAO acts as a marketplace for space insights offering full governance power to users as well as data and service providers.